Ben Reel : New cd out now : Darkness and the light
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De Ierse folkzanger en songschrijver Ben Reel debuteerde in 1999 met een verrassend sterke plaat “This Is The Movie”. Daarna volgden nog vier andere albums met “Lost In The Haze” uit 2001, “Sweet Victory” uit 2004, “New Horizon” uit 2007 en “Time To Get Real” uit 2009, stuk voor stuk platen die op alsmaar groter meeval bij het publiek konden rekenen.

Naast folksongs grasduint Ben Reel ook regelmatig in andere muziekgenres zoals soul, blues, rock en Americana, hetgeen hem door de jaren tot een zeer gevarieerde en gewaardeerde muzikant heeft gemaakt. Zijn in 2012 uitgebrachte verzamelplaat “Ben Reel: 10 (Compilation 1999-2009)” is daar het meest toepasselijke bewijs van.

Eind februari 2013 verscheen zijn zesde officiële album onder de titel “Darkness & The Light” met 11 nieuwe nummers die allemaal in zijn thuisstudio werden opgenomen, weliswaar met de hulp van een resem steengoede gastmuzikanten zoals gitaristen Mick McCarney en Gerry Black Jnr., toetsenist John McCullough en violist Colin Farrell.

Dat Ben Reel een geweldige songsmid is moge blijken uit enkele schitterende songs op “Darkness & The Light”. Een speciale vermelding in dit verband willen we graag reserveren voor “River Of Time”, het op gospel geïnspireerde “Watershed” en de eerste single uit deze cd “Heart Just Won’t Heal”, twee nummers die in de toekomst nog wel op enkele coverversies van andere artiesten zullen kunnen rekenen.

Verder valt er fijntjes te genieten van het emotionele “Counting Down The Days”, “Flickering Light” en “What Is Done”, een nummer dat u Ben Reel in een akoestische live versie samen met Tommy Womack kunt zien brengen op de bij deze recensie toegevoegde video.

Of het zo gewild is of niet weten we niet echt, maar zowel de songs als de stem van Ben Reel doen mij denken aan Michael Weston King, de schitterende Britse zanger van de alt.countryformatie ‘The Good Sons’ en sinds lange tijd actief als soloartiest. Bij de drie songs “Before Your Time”, “Our Father’s Sins” en “You’re Not Alone” duiken bovendien sterke vergelijkingspunten op met het werk en zelfs met de fantastische stem van ‘The Big O’ Roy Orbison.

Het album “Darkness & The Light” zal zeker nog vele keren in mijn cd-speler belanden om daarna aan mijn persoonlijke platencollectie te worden toegevoegd. Want met dergelijke topsongs en deze mooie muziek kan Ben Reel eindeloos bijdragen aan een goed gevoel en fijne momenten bij ondergetekende


BEN REEL – Press Release 2014

A Stunning collection that confronts the everyday struggles of ordinary folk'.

-Maverick Magazine- June 2013


'Career highlight for south Armagh man, his best yet'

-Hotpress- April 2013 Colm O'Hare


"His energy & desire to communicate, to sing, is infectious, and the Armagh man's band rises to the challange. This is a meaty, mature, well produced album concerned with serious topics."      - Joe Breen, Irish Times July 2013 -


" He's not afraid to throw in some in folk, soul, reggae vibes, which in turn call to mind John Hiatt at his best. "
-R2 Magazine by John Atkin July 2013-  (4/5 stars)

Irish singer/songwriter Ben Reel released his 6th studio album on the 22nd April 2013 entitled “Darkness & the Light”. It includes 11 brand new songs. It is the first record that he has recorded & produced in his own home studio in Co. Armagh. There is also be a special limited edition of the album available only on the website, which includes 5 bonus tracks. These 5 tracks will be released on iTunes, Amazon, Cdbaby etc.. on Monday 3rd March along with “Darkness & the Light” (radio edit) which will be the lead single for this release.

Since his debut back in 1999, each album has gone from strength to strength, touching on different styles of music from rock,soul,blues, Alt Folk/Americana & with the occasional injection of reggae. This was highlighted on his 2012, 18 song best of album (Ben Reel 1999-2009 Compilation 10) released only as a limited edition for loyal fans to buy at gigs, also available on iTunes worldwide.

Ben’s music has evolved into an honest earthy sound that has matured like a fine wine and he has very much his own sound today. This can be heard on this new album.

Darkness & The Light is a powerful soulful album with deep meaningful lyrics and memorable epic anthemic songs, with strong melodies combined with imaginitive expansive arrangements. Recorded digitally but with an analog feeling of warmth. The songs deal with the fall out since the global economic crash. Also probing for spiritual meaning and balance between the Yin and the Yang, trying to find  light, hope and healing in these troubled times. Serious songs from a serious artist in a serious moment in time.

In the last 10 years he has had numerous high profile TV & Radio appearances and airplay under his belt including Bob Harris BBC Radio 2 and has supported names like Jools Holland, Alabama 3, The Cranberries and appeared as a special guest at one of Hal Ketchum's shows in Dublin. He has performed his radio hit ‘U People’ with the late great Ian Dury’s legendary ‘Blockheads’ and has recorded the song with award winning saxophonist Gilad Atzmon.

Over the last 5 years Ben has enjoyed successful tours in Europe, receiving rave reviews and attracting a growing fan base . His band includes amongst the finest musicians in Ireland, his brother in law Michael Black on Drums, Ronnie O’Flynn on bass and Mick McCarney on guitar. With this line up they have built up a loyal underground following. Ben is often described as an ‘artist lying beneath the radar for way too long’.

In 2011 Ben played showcase gigs in Nashville & Memphis (Folk Alliance) where he colloborated with some of Nashville's finest, David Olney & Sergio Webb, co wrote "Heart Just Won't Heal" with Irene Kelley which was a radio hit in several countries with the help which he has been number 1 for the last 4 months on their radio download rock chart.

In February 2013 he toured with Tommy Womack in the UK & Holland and in Sept Ben teamed up with Tommy once again for some dates for a U.S tour that took in cities NYC, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Lexington, Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Louisville & Hippie Jacks festival in Crawford TN. There was also further dates in Holland, Germany &Norway and of course his home country Ireland before Christmas came around.

2014 has started off busy with tours in Germany, Holland & UK and work on a new record will commence in the spring. Watch this space


1999 This Is The Movie
2001 Lost In The Haze
2004 Sweet Victory
2007 New Horizon
2009 Time To Get Real
2011 10 1999-2009 Compilation
2013 Darkness & The Light

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